[Cosplayflying] Cosplay Vs. Movie Adaptations —— How They Are Different Ball Games!

[Cosplayflying] Cosplay Vs. Movie Adaptations ——  How They Are Different Ball Games!

We have seen them on screen on shows like “Heroes of Cosplay”, but why aren’t pro cosplayers starring in the movie adaptations for ACG? The answer might be both simple and complex, but to put it simply it’s because movies and cosplay are entirely different ball games that seldom crosses paths.

Yes, they both involve recreating the characters from ACG and yes, they both involve costumes. But, there are some basic things that separate one from the other. As we have seen many ACG characters being recreated in movies and acg cosplayers, even though great, might not be a great choice for celluloid.

This cosplayer might be the best for Ada Wong Cosplay but might not be the best for the movie.

For one, movies are not always cut-to-cut impressionism of the ACG and there are certain liberties that the film makers take in order to make the initial ACG story more appealable in movie format.

Other factors are also at play – for example, star power. Sometimes, sadly, a movie needs a certain star quotient to attract new (non-geek) fans also. Since, it’s a bigger medium profits are at play.

Li Bingbing (Chinese movie star) has never played the game and her cosplay might not be as good as a cosplayer’s, but she is absolutely a box office appeal.

Cosplayers might also be the best at posing for photographs and recreating scenes, but “acting” on screen is something that involves more professional training in the domain.

Cosplay also involves a lot more passion for the source and a lot of DIY and personal connect that makes the professional’s cosplay what it is. A cosplayer might not always be happy about the changes that a movie script makes to the original work but that might be the necessary evil to make the movie format work. Since, movies are not only meant to attract the original fans but also needs to appeal to newer fans as well. Many a times, even major changes in costumes are made in order to make it more believable or closer to reality.

Cosplay is therefore a different ball game altogether. It is more about developing specific skills in costume making, photography, editing and posing for camera than revising scripts and telling your lines. But, we love both genres and they bring the variety and color we need in our ACG lives!

Talking about Resident Evil, we have costumes of other 2 popular roles as well. 

SKU: W1193
Including: Pants, knit shirt, gloves*2, vest, arm accessory*1, as all you can see from the pictures
Processing Time: 7-15 days

SKU: W1192
Including: Shirt, top, as all you can see from the pictures
Processing Time: 7-15 days

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